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Disastrous Impact Of HIV – Don’t Wait For It, Get Tested Today

HIV testing Washington DC, free HIV testing in DC

Some epidemics devastate not just the affected individuals and their families but entire communities and even countries. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one such epidemic that has disrupted civil life, stunted economic growth, and hard-hit the progress of many nations, especially in the African continent, leading to distressing levels of poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, and social disparities.  

The final stage of an HIV infection is called Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Although HIV still has no cure, it is a fact that the disease can be easily detected in the initial stages, and the person can lead a normal life with proper access to treatment. You can easily walk into your nearest after-hours clinic for HIV testing Washington DC. Within minutes, you will have the results, and if positive, you can begin treatment at the earliest to safeguard your health.

Here’s how it affects the body

Although we all know that HIV can disrupt the normal functioning of a human body, most remain unaware of how badly it can affect various systems in the body. 

  • Impact on the body: 

By infecting and disabling white blood cells, the virus destroys the immune system and puts the body at high risk of infections. At the initial stage of HIV infection, a person may exhibit symptoms similar to flu caused due to the alarming increase of the virus in the body. It would be a good idea to go in for HIV testing Washington DC if you have had unprotected sex and suspect you may be infected. 

If the condition still remains untreated, it will advance to the AIDS stage. The person may develop cancers such as Kaposi sarcoma, rashes on the skin, and issues with most internal organs. 

  • Impact on the immune system:

HIV initially targets T cells in the body that are crucial to the effective functioning of the immune system. Also known as CD4 cells or helper cells, T cells protect the body from the invasion of infections and play a key role in helping maintain good health. Once it is within the body, the virus continues to multiply and attack an increasing number of CD4 cells. As the natural defense system begins to falter, the body will begin exhibiting symptoms. In the absence of treatment, the weak immune system will leave the person vulnerable to contracting serious infections.

Early HIV testing Washington DC will facilitate access to treatment, thereby enabling you to prevent serious damage to the immune system. 

  • Impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems:

Due to a weakened immune system, an HIV-infected person will be unable to fight off even a common cold. Instead, it will develop into more serious conditions such as pneumonia or tuberculosis. Compared to the general population, HIV infected people are at greater risk of developing lung cancers.

HIV-infected individuals are more prone to high blood pressure that in turn leads to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) that puts a high strain on the heart, eventually resulting in heart failure.  

With free HIV testing in DC now available at your nearest after-hours clinic, it is easier than ever before to get tested and regain your peace of mind. 

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