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Alexandria Doctors Office Decodes Stress: Physical & Emotional Signs

Alexandria doctors office, Arlington doctors office

Almost everybody faces stress these days. Be it relationships, jobs, or even your pet, everything seems to give you stress. Even the little things in life seem to trigger stress – traffic jams or not finding the car keys. Worse, things that were supposed to make us happy are giving us stress now. Think shopping, entertaining guests, holiday seasons, or a simple thing like what to fix for dinner!

Why are we so stressed out?

According to doctors, the Coronavirus pandemic is the latest culprit to shoot up stress levels across the globe. It all started in March 2020 and people are still stressed. It has now become such a daily thing (being stressed) that people think it’s normal. And with newer strains coming out one after the other, the stress just doesn’t seem to go away.

But if something’s bothering you and your stress levels are way too high, you must visit Alexandria doctors office for a consultation. You cannot go on like this.

Continued stress keeps the cortisol levels increased in your body. This is not a good thing, say doctors. With time, it can give you heart disorders, digestive disorders, and even mental disorders.

It’s like we have forgotten how to live stress-free!

Physical signs of stress

  • Feeling low in energy
  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Pain and tension in muscles, especially of the neck and back
  • Pain in chest
  • Faster heartbeats
  • Grinding of teeth
  • Eating too much or too little
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Falling sick frequently
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness or light-headedness

Emotional signs of stress

  • Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
  • Biting nails
  • Tapping feet
  • Depression
  • Trouble in concentration, decision-making, and learning new things, as the stress hormone reduces functioning of the brain cells
  • Irritable nature
  • Frustrated
  • Blowing off the lid at small things and often
  • Shirking from responsibilities
  • Feeling lazy and postponing things
  • Social seclusion
  • Impulsive behavior, such as impulse shopping, gambling, or sex on impulse
  • Abnormally suspicious of things or people
  • Excessively defensive, even when there’s no need to be
  • Losing interest in self-grooming
  • Punctuality problems
  • Feelings of unworthiness or feeling that life is doomed

If you or anybody you know exhibits two or more of the above symptoms (physical or emotional) on a continuous basis, you must consult a doctor at Arlington doctors office.

It’s okay to postpone things or feel lazy once in a while. It’s also okay to withdraw socially to spend some “me” time. Certain physical symptoms may not always be due to stress.

Yet, you know when it is not okay, right? You know when you are stressed out. You can feel the “burden.”

Don’t ignore your stressed condition

Prolonged stress can lead to health complications. So, do not think you can continue to live this way. Temporary stress is perfectly normal. Constantly living in a stressed manner is dangerous, say doctors. Please visit Alexandria doctors office and talk to the doctor about your stress. They will not only help you ease the physical symptoms, but also provide helpful tips to cope with stress and sort out your emotional symptoms.

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