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Why Every Health-Conscious Person Must Walk in STD Clinic in DC

std testing dc

We are already into the second month of 2020. Hope you are busy working on your New Year resolutions! Health is always the top priority. Nothing can beat it. The modern generation has become more health conscious these days – physical, mental, and spiritual.

Are we forgetting something?

Yes. Sexual health.

Some of you might brush off the topic saying that it is included in physical health. So, no need to talk about it. You are right. Sexual health implies health of your reproductive organs and private parts.

You may be fit and healthy. Are you sure you are sexually healthy?

Again, you may say, “I underwent a health checkup last week and my reports were appreciable.” Okay. But that was about your heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, blood, bones, muscles, hormones, and sensory organs. Are you sure you aren’t infected with Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HPV, Syphilis, Hepatitis, Herpes, or maybe HIV?

Did you visit STD clinic in DC?

Please remember…

A regular health checkup DOES NOT include STD testing. You may consider sexual health as part of physical health; yet, doctors won’t test you for STDs in your blood sample unless you ask them to.

Moreover, other diseases show symptoms. For example, you may feel uneasiness in the chest in case of heart disease. You may lose your appetite or feel pain when your liver is malfunctioning. You may vomit or feel nausea if your kidneys are not working fully. However, you may never know if you are carrying HIV infection!

That’s why doctors emphasize on visiting STD clinic in DC to get a comprehensive STD checkup done.

You can be sure of your mental and physical health. Meditation and yoga take care of your spiritual being too. But, according to doctors, you can never be sure of your sexual health until and unless you undergo STD tests.

Test is the only way to determine your sexual health because STDs are ‘silent killers,’ remarks one of the doctors at the STD clinic.

Do this today. Add STD testing in Crystal City as one of your 2020 resolutions. Walk in the clinic and ensure your sexual health. The adage, “a stitch in time saves nine” holds true in case of sexually transmitted diseases. A test on time can help catch the infection at the earliest stage and save you from serious health complications, which include infertility, permanent organ damage, brain damage, blindness, and even death.

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