Falling Sick Frequently? You need ‘Urgent Care Near Me’
Is there somebody in your family or neighborhood who keeps getting sick frequently? Or it could be you who are almost always found sniffling your nose, sneezing your way in and out, or fighting those headaches or constant tiredness.
What is happening? Why doesn’t your body stay healthy all the time?
Before we find out, you must know that urgent medical care is available to you all days of the week and on holidays. Simply search for “urgent care near me” and you will find a clinic near you.
Now, let’s see what doctors have to say about people who fall sick frequently.
According to doctors, two things that make you fall sick often are:
• Chronic stress
• Chronic sleep deprivation
Chronic stress
Chronic stress is dangerous, warns doctors. There is a difference between having a stressed day once in a while and living in continuous stress every day.
The latter can snatch your body’s vitality. It not only lowers your immunity, making you prone to catching those common colds and flus, but also increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, kidney diseases, and others.
Chronic stress can cause:
• Disturbed sleep
• Insomnia
• Irritability
• Loss of appetite or eating too much
• Problems in concentration and productivity
• Digestive issues
• Cluster headaches
• Mental confusion
• Frequent illnesses
• Constant tiredness (this is actually mental tiredness due to all the overthinking you do, but it manifests as physical tiredness with time)
• Lowered immunity
If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, please consult doctors in Arlington, VA. The clinic is located close by and can help you address your health problems properly.
Sleep deprivation
Sleep and stress are related, say doctors. Stressed people can hardly sleep. Sleep-deprived people are more prone to taking stress. Sleep is your body’s lifeline. It repairs and rejuvenates itself when you sleep soundly. When you don’t sleep well, you deprive your body of this golden chance to rejuvenate itself.
This can lead to physical and mental health problems over time.
Chronic sleep deprivation can cause:
• Irritable nature
• Concentration and memory problems
• Constant tiredness
• Lowered immunity
• Microsleeps (episodes of brain shutting down and making you fall asleep briefly during the day anytime and anywhere)
• Anxiety and depression
• Mental confusion
• Drowsiness almost the whole day
• Lack of interest in daily activities
Some people also experience headaches, digestive troubles, and appetite disorders due to deprived sleep.
Life with chronic stress and sleep deprivation is no life at all
According to doctors in Arlington, VA, quality of life deteriorates when you live in chronic stress and deprive yourselves of sleep regularly. Both can hit you hard mentally and physically. Even your social life can shatter because your behavior changes. You become more irritable, impatient, and lack compassion. You simply want to go away somewhere, to break free.
Your body goes into a burnout.
Your productivity goes down. Your creativity vanishes. You can’t eat, think, talk, love, and work properly. Is this a life?
Please take immediate steps to manage stress and get good sleep from today. Search for “urgent care near me” to consult a good doctor.