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Your Sex Life Determines When You Ought to go for an STD Test

STD testing in DC, STD testing in Alexandria

It is true that the possibility of contacting sexually transmitted disease (STD) is not confined to only people with active sex lives in Washington DC or Alexandria. However, if you happen to be sexually active your chances of getting infected and spreading the infection is a lot more than if you lead a normal and well-regulated sex life. It could very well be that you had sex for the first time and your partner was already infected.

There could be different scenarios for STD to spread and the important point to note is what you should do when you get infected. More importantly, how would you know that you are infected? That can either be due to certain symptoms but you need to remember that in 6 out of every 10 cases, STD is asymptomatic. That leaves you with just one option – STD testing in DC. 

Dealing with the stigma of STD

If you think STD infection is a stigma and should therefore be kept a secret, you are walking into a danger zone. Although not all STD infections are life-threatening but if left untreated, all of these can aggravate into serious conditions that may become very difficult to treat.

Just don’t panic and get a hold on your sexual passion because you must not have sex with anybody till you get well. Visit an urgent care clinic for STD testing in Alexandria as soon as you can. Rest assured that your test result and diagnosis will be kept confidential. The doctor at the urgent care clinic will prescribe medication or refer you to a specialist if necessary.

Go for regular STD test for safety 

Depending on how frequently you have sex and with how many partners, you need to have an idea of the kind of precautions you ought to take. The best that you can do to stay safe and spare others from getting infected, is to go for STD testing in DC every month or quarter if you continue to have regular sex with multiple partners.

At the same time, if you happen to test positive for STD, inform your sex partners about it so that they can take the necessary precautions and get tested at the earliest. It is well-proven that STD proliferates when infected persons continue to have sex with multiple partners.

Practice restraint in your sex life

Opinion can differ with regard to STD infection and how to deal with it. You could come across writings where it would be claimed that ‘Anyone can be infected with STD irrespective of the number of sex partners you have.’ Don’t fall for this kind of convoluted logic and don’t get back to having sex with multiple partners after recovery.

There is every chance that you could be back to square one with STD infection again if you don’t practice restraint in your sex life. Excessive indulgence is never good whether it is on the food table, at the bar, while driving fast or while having sex. If you suspect STD infection, don’t delay going for STD testing in Alexandria and after recovery, learn from your mistakes.

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